I am very sleepy today. This is because I sleep with the air conditioner set at 23°C to keep the room temperature constant while I sleep, but yesterday I slept with only a thin blanket, even though I forgot to turn on the air conditioner.
Once I woke up too cold, but I just added a duvet and went back to sleep.
I slept for seven hours and 15 minutes, but when I woke up my body felt terribly tired and sleepy.
2.The effects of insufficient sleep continue throughout the day.
I am very careful about not getting enough sleep. This time, because of my lack of sleep, I can’t think clearly or concentrate.
Even if I am working, I cannot go on.
The need for sleep has become well known in Japan recently. In particular, I train and I feel very frustrated that my hard training is wasted because the growth hormone secreted in the first three hours of sleep plays an extremely important role in muscle growth.
3. The Japanese sleep culture to date
When I was a student, competition was so fierce that we were told ‘sleep up to four hours; if you sleep five hours, you won’t get into the school of your choice’.
Even as an adult, it was said that working without sleep was a good thing, and people at work used to brag to each other about how long they had worked without sleep.
In international rankings, Japan also has one of the shortest sleep durations in the world.
In fact, all the countries that top the World Happiness Rankings have long sleep durations.
4. Changes in sleep in Japan.
Alarm bells started ringing about Japan’s sleep patterns about 20 years ago. Since then, the importance of sleep has gradually been recognised in Japan.
One well-known Japanese researcher is Dr Masanori Yanagisawa. He originally came from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas in 1991 as a young senior researcher.
He moved to Tsukuba University in Japan to make it the largest sleep research centre in the world.
He pointed out that sitting up all night makes us as inefficient as the deepest drunk.
People in Japan are generally advised to turn off the air conditioning when they go to sleep, but in practice it is better to keep the temperature in the bedroom at a constant level. (After listening to this Professor Yanagisawa, I decided to turn on the air conditioning every day.)
The human brain continues to grow until the early 20s. Lack of sleep at a young age hinders brain development. Therefore, sleep deprivation at a young age can have irreversible negative effects throughout life.
The idea that the first three hours of sleep are important and that you should sleep more than three hours is not true.
It is completely implausible on the basis of the data that a good night’s sleep can be short.
He actively talks to the general public on Youtube and other media about topics such as
So I try to sleep for more than 7 hours and 15 minutes. I usually use the air conditioning in my bedroom, but today I forgot to use it.
5. Conclusion
Well, today I really want to go to the gym and work on my back, but I might not be able to concentrate.