2023/12/23 Japanese food

food in Japan

Today I would like to introduce you to Japanese food.

On 4 December 2013, the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee registered Japanese food; the traditional food culture of the Japanese people.

There are four reasons for the registration of Japanese food

  1. A food culture that respects the bounty of nature and values the seasons
  2. Nutritionally balanced and healthy food culture
  3. A food culture closely linked to rituals and festivals
  4. A food culture that uses local ingredients and traditional cooking methods

So I went to a Japanese restaurant, Suju Masayuki(酢重正之), which was founded in 1827 in Nagono as and has been producing miso, soybean paste.

Japanese food has become very popular recently.


Suju Masayuki is located in the Nagoya Station Building: 1-1-3 Meieki Nagoya Nakamura-ku, Aichi
Phone: 052-756-2577

Price range: daytime:\2000-3500 ($14-$25) night: 5000-6000($35-$42)
(2023/12/23 $1=\142.395)

The interior of the restaurant is very stylish, using wood while the walls are based on black.


The starters were autumnal sweetpotato, duck, seasonal vegetables, salmon carpaccio, boiled radish and boiled cabbage with mushrooms.

The restaurant seems to be proud of its miso as it started as a craftsman making miso, and the accompanying miso is very tasty.

Main Dish

I could choose a main dish, so I asked for mackerel stewed in miso, which is said to be good for you.

The rice could have been white rice, which Japanese people usually eat, but I chose brown rice because unpolished rice has high nutritional value.

What I found particularly wonderful this time was actually the miso soup.
It is not often that there are so many mushrooms in it.
It’s perfect for me, who wanted to cut down on fat and get as many vegetables as possible.
I guess this is the point that the restaurant is focusing on as a restaurant that prides itself on miso.

It was so good I ordered another bowl of miso soup.
If you order a course, you can have free refills of miso soup and rice.


This dice-like object was ice cream. The minty flavour was refreshing and perfect after eating mackerel stewed in miso.


We entered a Japanese restaurant, this time originating from Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture.
The restaurant had a great atmosphere and there was a queue.

The restaurant was originally created by a craftsman who was engaged in miso making, so the miso is very flavourful and delicious.

They serve a variety of Japanese food, but I especially try to eat fish dishes.

To be honest, I don’t like the smell of fish such as mackerel, which is said to be good for your health, but I don’t like it.

However, mackerel dishes prepared by top-class artisans don’t have much smell.

So I try to eat mackerel cooked as well as possible in Japanese restaurants.

If you like, you can try it too.

At the entrance to the restaurant, they sold miso, the restaurant’s pride and joy.

This kind of miso is not available in supermarkets. I would definitely like to buy some and try it at home.

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