Higashiyama Botanical Garden 2

Higashiyama Botanical Garden

Higashiyama Botanical Garden part 2

Course 3-4

Is it a leek flower? The casual appearance of the flowers is beautiful.

The dark paths are flanked by thick heron foliage. This tree is native to Asia. It may be rare to Europeans.

Many types of trees grow on the ground.
Although I am not familiar with each one of them, I wonder what types they are. Also, what types of trees do they cultivate?
The vegetation in the Botanical Gardens grows naturally, and
you can sense their vitality bursting from them.
This is the true charm of a botanical garden.

Mountain hydrangeas are planted alongside the footpath. Although there are not many flowers, they are vibrant.

Hydrangeas are flourishing in Japanese horticulture, particularly the garden type, and are sold at high prices.

Mountain hagi is a tree that is found naturally in East Asia, including Russia.
In Japan, it is part of the ‘seven autumnal flowers’. These pretty blossoms have been enhancing the country’s beauty for a prolonged period.

A butterfly flew over the white Yama Hagi.

Sino-oil paulownia is a tree that comes from China and India. People often extract oil from the berries. However, in Japan, not many people removed oil from this tree, despite it having no issues with growing in this way.

2. Course 5-6

China is famous for its bamboo.
Nevertheless, there are various kinds of bamboo.
Bamboo grows underground and spreads through subterranean stems, therefore the earth beneath a bamboo forest is blanketed with bamboo roots entirely.

Because of this, it is advised in Japan to escape to the bamboo forest in case of an earthquake since it is more secure in a bamboo grove.

The Botanical Gardens are full of amazing findings, and
not only among the flora on the trails and in the greenhouses.

The Botanical Gardens are full of amazing findings, and not only among the flora on the trails and in the greenhouses. These are the shii tree’s berries, once picked and played with by rural Japanese children. Children in the rural areas of Japan used to collect these nuts and play with them.

To be continued

