2023/11/22 (Wednesday) Higashiyama Botanical Garden

Higashiyama Botanical Garden

Weather: fine Temperature Highest: 20.1℃ Lowest:7.1℃ 

Today our school was closed, so I visited the Higashiyama Botanical Garden to show you the beautiful autumn scenery in Japan.

  1. Maple trees with coloured leaves

2.Beautiful path through woods and ferns

3.Leopard Plant and Amethyst sage

4.  Lantana montevidensis

5. Abelia spathulata has already lost the flowers that covered the whole tree.

6. How buautiful path!

7. The black beads of Pollia japonica are still beautiful, but the leaves are dying.

8. Undergrowth in the shade of dark trees. This may be helpful for those suffering from a poorly lit garden.

The forest is alive… Nature in Japan is presented from a botanical garden in the middle of the city.

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