I am Markun. 54 years old (1969 birth) now.
I live in Nagoya, Central Area of Japan.
the population is 2,326,104 (2023. August according to City Official Homepage)
The 4th largest city in Japan.
I want you to know the city, unlike Tokyo, not many people may know about this city.
・ We have one of Japanese famous Universities : “Nagoya University” , which has several Nobel Prize-winning scholars.

・Nagoya is also famous for the 16th century’s powerful warlords who fought for control of the country.

One of them, the Tokugawa clan, eventually came to power and ruled Japan from Edo (now Tokyo).
Nagoya near Okazaki, the original seat of the Tokugawa clan, flourished as a town ruled by the Tokugawa family.
There are many foreigners interested in Japan, but not many know about towns outside Tokyo.
I have lived here in Nagoya for more than 20 years and I decided to start this blog to let everyone know about the place, In this case Nagoya, outside Tokyo in Japan.