1.Agapanthus is fine in winter.
2.Tea plant.
I missed the tea plant when I found it.
The hedge at the primary school I went to was tea plants. Once a year, we all picked the leaves and sent them to the school lunch centre, where they made tea from them.
I didn’t like the caterpillars on the tea plants, so I didn’t go near them, but I liked the white flowers.
3-4Rhododendron oldhamii Native of Taiwan.
5.A fallen tree is beautiful. The maples around the pond with the fountain used to have bright red leaves, but now they have completely lost their leaves.


Winter is the citrus fruiting season.
6.There are many yuzu trees.
Yuzu does not taste good, but it has a nice odour and is used in jams and cooking.
The scent of yuzu is also very popular in air fresheners.
7ー8Sour Orange
9 Leopard Plant had beautiful yellow flowers in autumn, but all the flowers have died back. However, the leaves look healthy.
10-11For a long time I couldn’t tell the difference between nandina and coral bush. Let’s take a look at the photos.

On the left(12) is a nandina. On the right(13) is a coral bush.
The nandina has fruits at the ends of its branches, whereas the coral bush hangs in clusters from under the leaves.
They are completely different plants in terms of classification.
I didn’t know that.